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How to choose COD as your payment method upon making on order on HapilinĀ®?

customer support posted this on May 6, 2019
  1. Log into our website, and choose the desired product, then tap Add To Cart.
  2. Tap the Proceed to Checkout icon to be directed to a form where you can fill in your shipping information.
  3. If you need to edit the items in your Cart, tap View Cart.
  4. Tap Next to choose your Payment Method, then select Cash on Delivery.
  5. Tap Next again to complete your order and place your Discount Codes and Reward Points.
  6. Tap Place Order Now to to complete your purchase.
  7. After that, one of our customer service representatives will call you to confirm your order. Once it is confirmed, the product will be shipped to you.
  8. Once you receive the order, you will pay for the order at your doorstep as soon as you receive it.
Categories: Payment Method